How to Choose a REALTOR

Finding the right REALTOR for you is such an important step in your home buying or selling journey. Here are my tips for finding a great fit:

  1. Ask for referrals from people you trust.

  2. Interview a few from that list or from people you find while researching and see who you like talking to, who has good advice, who do you click with?

  3. Ask about communication style or how they often communicate with their clients. Is that how you like to be communicated with?

  4. If it's important to you, ask how many houses they sell each year on average. Be sure to ask about availability for showings, how they handle vacations or time off. Do they have a plan/structure in place? What happens once I am under contract? How often do we talk during that process?

  5. For selling your house, what is their marketing strategy? What happens if my house doesn't sell right away? How do you come up with pricing?

Want a free PDF of questions to ask when interviewing agents? Just email me at and I will send you mine!